I am currently working as a Junior Scientist at the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) in the field of automated
document authentication. This work is part of the European FP7 project "FastPass" which has the goal to harmonize the design of Automatic Border Control (ABC) systems commonly
known as eGates.
I finished my PhD at the University of Salzburg in January 2013 and have been a
lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Salzburg.
Within the university I was a member of the Wavelab group and worked in the
field of computer vision and image processing.
Apart from that I am developing and maintaining the infrastructure of LV CC Rental Agency(Luxury Villas Cape Coral) which is
a business co-owned by my wife. If you are looking for a "Ferienhaus" (vacation home) in Cape Coral, Florida you may want to check out my wife's business www.villascc.com.
I am a strong believer in the Open Source concept, naturally you are going to find me on mailinglists and chats of some
Open Source projects (Blender, OpenCV, ...).
- Education
University of Salzburg - Department of Computer Science
PhD in Computer Science
Masters Degree in Computer Science
Bachelor Degree in Computer Science
Technical College - Braunau am Inn
- Skills
C++ - Python - Java
Matlab - Objective-C - PHP
Javascript - C#
GIMP - Inkscape - Blender
Software Libraries
OpenCV - ROS - LCM - ffmpeg
- Experience
Junior Scientist Austrian Institute of Technology, 2013 - today
- Automatic document verification (i.e. Automatic Border Control)
- Security analysis (ePassport security)
- 3D printing (Stereolithography)
- Computational imaging (light field processing)
Research Fellow University of Salzburg, 2009 - 2012
- Obstacle detection for autonomous trains
- Camera calibration
- Blender sensor simulation
- Stereo vision
- Distortion correction for endoscopic cameras
System Administrator/Developer Stegbauer Datawork, 2008 - 2010
- Asterisk PBX installations
- Virtual Private Network installations
Developer/System Administrator Techno-Z Braunau, 2000 - 2008
- Cisco VOIP administration
- Backbone router administration
- Planning and Development of a Wirelless ISP
- Teaching
Programming I
Introduction to programming
Programming II
Algorithms and Datastructures
Programming III
Concurrent programming, advanced template programming
GUI Programming
Introduction to GUI programming with Qt
- Research
Computer Vision
Stereo vision - Lane detection - Visualization - Calibration
Video/Audio streaming - Multimedia encryption
- Hobbies
- Golf
Reading (mostly scifi novels)
Our dogs
3D modeling
- Personal projects
BlenSor: Blender Sensor Simulation www.blensor.org
PyWiggle: 3D Stereo view interpolation github/pyWiggle
Reverse engineering the Sony LocationFree protocolxda-developers.com
C++ library for robust fitting of N-th order polynomials
using RANSACgooglecode
Streaming server for the NeurosOSD Neuros WIKI
- Contribute to my work
If you want to help me or work with me, just check out my code or send me patches via email.
If you want to show your appreciation or want to push the development in one of the topics, you can send me a donation or something from the amazon wishlists
- Publications
Conference Papers
- [Gschwandtner14b] Michael Gschwandtner, Svorad Štolc, Andreas Vrabl
Active Display Attack on Automated Security Document Readers
ODS 2014 -- Optical Document Security, San Francisco, USA, January 2014
- [Gschwandtner14a] Michael Gschwandtner, Andreas Uhl, Andreas Unterweger
Speeding Up Object Detection -- Fast Resizing in the Integral Image Domain
In VISAPP 2014 -- Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pp. 64-72, Lisbon, Portugal, 1, SciTePress, January 2014
- [Gschwandtner12b] P. Marion, R. Kwitt, B. Davis, M. Gschwandtner
Pcl and paraview - connecting the dots
In IEEE CVPR Workshop on Point Cloud Processing, 2011, accepted
- [Gschwandtner12a]
M. Gschwandtner, J. Hämmerle-Uhl, Y. Höller, M. Liedlgruber, A. Uhl, and A. Vecsei
Improved endoscope distortion correction does not necessarily enhance mucosa-classification based medical decision support systems
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), Banff, Canada, 2012, accepted
- [Gschwandtner11b ] M. Gschwandtner, R. Kwitt, W. Pree, A. Uhl
BlenSor: Blender Sensor Simulation Toolbox Advances in Visual Computing
In Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Advances in visual computing - Volume Part II, pp. 199-208, Berlin, Heidelberg, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6939, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2011
- [Gschwandtner11a] M. Gschwandtner, R. Kwitt, W. Pree, A. Uhl
Infrared Camera Calibration for Dense Depth Map Construction
In Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV '11), pp. 857-862, Baden-Baden, Germany, June 2011
- [Gschwandtner10a ] M. Gschwandtner, M. Liedlgruber, A. Uhl, A. Vécsei
Experimental Study on the Impact of Endoscope Distortion Correction on Computer-assisted Celiac Disease Diagnosis
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine (ITAB'10), pp. 1-6, Corfu, Greece, November 3 - 5, 2010
- [Gschwandtner10b] M. Gschwandtner, W. Pree, A. Uhl
Track detection for autonomous trains
In Advances in Visual Computing: 6th International Symposium, (ISVC 2010), pp. 19-28, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, November 29 - December 1, 2010
- [Gschwandtner09b] Michael Gschwandtner, Andreas Uhl
Protected Progressive Meshes
In Advances in Visual Computing, pp. 35-48, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5876, Springer, 2009
- [Gschwandtner08a] Michael Gschwandtner, Andreas Uhl
Toward DRM for 3D geometry data
In Edward J. Delp III, Ping Wah Wong, Jana Dittmann, Nasir D. Memon, editors, Proceedings of SPIE, Security, Forensics, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents X, pp. 68190V ff., San Jose, CA, USA, 6819, SPIE, January 27 - 31, 2008
- [Gschwandtner06a ] Michael Gschwandtner, Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild
Compression of encrypted Visual Data
In H. Leitold, E. Markatos, editors, Communications and Multimedia Security, Proceedings of the 10th IFIP International CMS 2006 Conference, pp. 141-150, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, 4237, Springer Verlag, Oct. 2006
- Gschwandtner12c ] Michael Gschwandtner
Support framework for obstacle detection on autonomous trains
PhD thesis, Department of Scientific Computing, University of Salzburg, Austria, January 2013
- [Gschwandtner09a] Michael Gschwandtner
Efficient protection and access control of 3D geometry data
Master thesis, Department of Scientific Computing, University of Salzburg, Austria, March 2009
Journal Articles
- [Gschwandtner13a] Michael Gschwandtner, Svorad Štolc
Document security in the age of fully automated border control systems
2nd Global ABC Conference and Exhibition, Warsaw, Poland, October 2013